How do we work?

We search for the appropriate specialist for your project or position.
We offer you this candidate.
You choose the candidate with the appropriate skill and resume.
We make an online interview together with you and the candidate.
If it is the right one for your project or position (you decide!).
We make a contract with you for the candidate.
We hire the candidate in the appropriate country where he is based or already have him under contract.
We do all the payroll, accounting, billing, etc.
We organize with you a remote workplace according to your guidelines.
We recommend MS Teams & Cisco VPN!
Monthly we make a remote interview with you (weekly at the beginning).
Monthly we invoice our performance of the candidate per hour.
You have nothing to do with the relevant governmental organizations and tax authorities and labor law matters.
The decisive factor is that the candidate fulfills the purpose of the project or position for you and you get a top specialist with super know-how, which you can not get in your own country. Furthermore, our service will generate savings for your project or position.
The whole thing is not an employer transfer, it is a service, for your project or job.

If you are interested in our services, please contact us or enter your project / job directly in our portal!